Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cloth and Clay

I had a doll living in my mind for 3 years. She came real just 5 months ago, when I started actually making her. To start with, I made her head in rock clay. This step took me nearly 2 months.

Tuve una muneca en mente por 3 anios, apenas se volvio real hace 5 meses, cuando comence a hacerla modelando su cabeza en arcilla.

 She has a base of paper mache and her eyes are artificial pearls.
El interior de su cabeza esta hecho de papel mache y sus ojos son perlas artificiales.

I had in mind that she was going to have a breast-plate, such as the antique German porcelain dolls.
Siempre tuve en mente que la cabeza se iba a prolongar hasta el inicio del tronco, como las antiguas munecas de porcelana alemanas.

I pierced her ears because I knew she was going to want earrings.
Perfore sus lobulos porque supe que iba a querer aretes.

Once the head was ready I made a body out of fabric and filled with fiberfill.
Una vez que la cabeza estuvo lista hice un cuerpo de tela relleno con borra sintetica.

The next step was modelling the arms with a mix of rock clay and epoxy clay.

El siguiente paso fue modelar los brazos con una mezcla de arcilla y plastilina epoxica.

Legs were modeled the same way, she is very free spirited, so I left her barefoot. Once I had everything completed I started painting her.

Modele sus piernas con los mismos materiales, esta muneca era de espiritu muy libre asi que la deje descalza. Cuando termine todas las piezas comence a pintarla.

Yeah, we were going the right way. I made some little resemblance of underwear, and attached her arms with buttons.

Ibamos por buen camino, despues le hice algo que parecia ropa interior muy discreta y le uni sus brazos con botones.

Next step was going to make her dress. I know her little owner likes orange color, so I started making something in this hue, very free but stylish.
El siguiente paso era hacerle el vestido. Se que a su futura duena le gusta el color anaranjado, asi que empece a hacer algo en este tono, muy libre pero con estilo.

I kept hand sewing, adding here and there, the dress seem to tell me what was needed, and I just follow the orders. The dress was the fastest part, then I putted some hair and she looked awesome!
Cosi a mano el vestido, este parecia decirme que era lo que necesitaba, asi que solo segui las ordenes. La confeccion del vestido fue de lo mas rapido, despues le puse cabello y se veia muy bien!

Her hair was very long, but easy to manage, I liked this wool, I used it before for a smaller doll, and wanted to repeat the nice experience of finger-combing and braiding such nice smooth fibers.

Su cabello estaba demasiado largo, aun asi es muy facil de manejar. Ya habia usado esta lana en otra muneca mas pequena, y queria repetir la experiencia de peinarla con los dedos y hacerle trenzas.

She had so much hair that I had to make 4 braids instead 2! The good thing, the braids are not permanent, new hairstyles can be done. Jensen (doll's owner) was going to have lots of fun with this feature.

Tenia tanto cabello que tuve que hacerle 4 trenzas en vez de 2. Lo bueno es que se le pueden desbaratar y hacerle otros peinados. Jensen (la duena de la muneca) se va a divertir con este detalle.

I gave her blue earrings that matched her eyes. She is ready to go to North Carolina! Take care of her Jensen, now she is in your hands.
Le puse unos aretes azules que combinaban con sus ojos. Por fin estaba lista para irse a Carolina del Norte! Cuidala mucho Jensen, ahora esta en tus manos.


  1. Dear Margarita,

    I congratulate you for your new exhibit and for the quality work presented. I find your style very clean and personally love the way you represent your roots and life experience on every single piece. I'm looking forward to see more of your work and I will follow this blog from now on. If by any chance you visit the Danbury area, I will be happy to take you around and connect you with some local artists.
    Miguel Barreto ID, M.S.

    1. Thanks for your comment Miguel! So nice to hear from you. My current exhibition is going to close on January 5th 2013, I will be glad to see you at Expressiones one of this days :)
