Friday, June 18, 2010

A doll for Beverly

I met Beverly few years ago, she is the kindest lady I have ever met, I wanted to make something special for her since she celebrated her birthday last week. I made this doll and the black bunny specially for her, the bunny is based on Miles, a real pet that she likes very much. Happy birthday Beverly, and thanks for all your kindness!

Conoci a Beverly hace pocos anios, ella es la persona mas amable que he encontrado, y queria hacer algo especial dado que celebro su cumpleanios la semana pasada. Hice esta muneca y el conejito negro especialmente para ella, este ultimo esta basado en Miles, una mascota real a quien Beverly le tiene mucho carino. Feliz cumpleanios Beverly, y gracias por todas tus atenciones!

Skeleton doll awaiting for clothes

Skeleton lady doll is ready to get a dress, she is going to get a traditional Mexican outfit from Michoacan State, which is a black long skirt, and embroidered blouse, she will have human hair -my hair- for making long braids, and a hat with flowers. Until then, she will be very patient.

Esta dama esta lista para su vestido, le voy a confeccionar un traje tipico proveniente del estado de Michoacan, Mexico, el cual consta de una falda larga negra y blusa bordada; tambien le voy a poner cabello humano -el mio- para hacerle trenzas, y finalmente un sombrero decorado con flores. Hasta entonces, solo le queda tener paciencia.