Saturday, April 24, 2010

New dolls: Non-traditional dolls


I started making these dolls last year, around November; they are still incomplete, so I promised to finish them as soon as possible. My son has given me a little bit of free time, and I got back to work, see them drying after the first coat of gesso!

Saludos a todos!

Empece a hacer estas munecas el anio pasado, todavia estan incompletas, por lo que me prometi terminarlas tan pronto como fuera posible. Mi hijo me ha dado un poco de tiempo libre y regrese a trabajar en ellas. Ahi estan secandose despues de la primera capa de yeso! 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cloth Doll Explorations: Cats and Bunnies

After my first attempt at doll making I tried to design something from my own. I picked up the figure of a cat and a bunny, and humanize them a little bit, so they could have legs and arms attached to a long body, but still they were going to keep their animal features as much as I could.

Despues de mi primer intento en la contruccion de munecas trate de disenar algo propio, asi que escogi la figura de un gato y de un conejo, los humanice un poco para que tuvieran piernas y brazos  cosidos a un cuerpo un poco mas largo. Sin embargo trate de que mantuvieran sus rasgos animales lo mas que se pudiera.

When they were finished I looked at them thinking that they should have something extra, so I thought of the sea and what it means to live in a town like New London, Connecticut. Then I started designing some life preservers and painted on the cats and bunnies an antique style sailor t-shirt.

Cuando los termine y los mire pense que deberian tener algo extra, asi que me inspire en en mar y en el pueblo donde vivo, New London Connecticut. Basado en esto empece a disenar unos salvavidas y les pinte una playera de marinero estilo antiguo.

New London Connecticut was a former whaling town, and there is a lot of imagery and inspiration about the theme, also one finds the same feeling in the neighbor town of Mystic, home of the Mystic Seaport Museum. But this is going to be the main theme of another blog, thanks for your visit and have a nice day!

Veran, New London Connecticut fue un pueblo ballenero, y hay mucho material e inspiracion acerca del tema, asimismo en el vecino Mystic, donde se puede visitar el Museo del Mystic Seaport. Pero ese sera el tema de otro blog, gracias por su visita y que tengan un buen dia!!!!





Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A new journey: Doll making

I learned to use the sewing machine and basic handcraft skills at my mother's sewing workshop. She used to have a production of 300 coats a week.
But it was very different to make dolls. It was new for me, and I decided to purchase some patterns via online; after looking for a pretty, interesting doll, I chose the designs of a very well known artist, Maureen Mills, from Sweet Meadows Farm.
I got "Too many cats" and "Ice scream, U scream!", these dolls were really wonderful, and I was just crazy for making them. There were a lot of good techniques in these patterns, since I did not have idea about coffee stained muslin, vintage buttons or the use of acrylic painting for decorating! Yes, I acted like a cave girl.

Aprendi a usar la maquina de coser y los conocimientos basicos en manualidades en el taller de costura de mi mama, quien tenia una produccion semanal de 300 chamarras.
Sin embargo iba a ser muy diferente hacer munecas, era algo nuevo para mi y decidi comprar patrones via internet, despues de buscar disenos que fueran interesantes y bonitos, me decidi por las creaciones de una artista bien conocida, Maureen Mills, de Sweet Meadows Farm.
Escogi "Too many cats" (Demasiados gatos) y "Ice scream, U scream!" (unas ninas con helados muy padres). Las munecas me parecieron encantadoras y me moria de ganas por empezarlas. Encontre bastantes tecnicas en esos patrones, la verdad es que no tenia ni idea de que se trataba manchar la muselina con cafe para dar coloracion a la "piel" de la muneca, ni de botones de estilo antiguo, ni del uso de pintura acrilica para decorar. Si, lo reconozco, actue como nina recien salida de la era de las cavernas.

I followed every step, and there you have some pictures of the process...

Segui paso a paso las instrucciones...

Painted socks and shoes, coffee stained bodies, all waiting to get dry...

Zapatos y calcetas pintadas, cuerpos manchados de cafe, todo esperando a estar seco...

It was too much fun all of the process after the pieces were dry: Arms and legs stitched to bodies, embroidered face, painted eyes.

Fue super divertido todo el proceso despues de que se secaron las piezas: Coser los brazos y piernas, bordar las caras, pintar los ojos.

These girls were big! 23 inches tall. After I sewn the legs I could not believe how much they grew. Also I discovered that painting the red and white strips is very therapeutic.

Estas ninas estaban mas grandes de lo que me imagine! 59 cm de altura. Despues de que les cosi las piernas no pude creer cuanto crecieron. Tambien descubri que pintar calcetas rayadas es muy terapeutico.

After I got to make the dresses, and I thanked my mother for all of her teaching.

Despues me puse a hacerles los vestidos, y agradeci a mi mama por todo lo que me enseno.

It was exciting to see how they were changing...

Que interesante fue ver como iban cambiando...

These girls were already big, now with the dress, underskirt, and bloomers they seemed huge... But cute.

Estas ninas de por si eran altas, ahora con el vestido, la falda y los calzones se veian enormes... Pero encantadoras.

The last step was the hair, it took me two days finish their hairdos, but at the end the whole experience it was rewarding.

I could not believe all of the details that I still had to do, in the beginning it seemed to fast, but it was like building a house, just when you think you are finished, it takes double time to get done those little details.

No podia creer todos los detalles que aun faltaban, al principio parecia que todo iba muy rapido, pero fue como construir una casa, justo cuando uno piensa que ya esta terminada, acabar con los detalles toma el doble de tiempo.

I still had to do these funny cats. My son loved to throw them all around the house.

Todavia tenia que terminar los gatos. Mi hijo estaba feliz aventandolos por toda la casa.

At the end of this new adventure of making dolls I was really pleased, and eager to make more. These are the final pictures of my first dolls.





Monday, April 12, 2010

My former work

I was a painter before my baby was born, but just after getting pregnant I could not tolerate the smell of the turpentine and oil painting. Also I thought about the safety of my baby, then I quit painting and started looking for new ways of creating art. That's how I discovered DOLL MAKING!!
However, I know one day I will be back to the easel, these are the last paintings I exhibited, in 2008. I hope you like it.

Era pintora antes de que mi bebe naciera, pero durante el embarazo se me hizo imposible soportar el olor del aguarras y del oleo. Tambien me imagine que serian riesgosos para el bebe y deje de pintar. Empece a buscar otra manera de crear y hacer arte. De esa manera descubri que se pueden hacer munecas de arte.
Sin embargo se que un dia volvere al caballete, estas son las ultimas pinturas que exhibi en 2008. Espero sean de su agrado.

"No Wake"
Oil on canvas, 36x36 in

"Ernesto takes a break"
Oil on panel, 28 x 22 in

"Maria Clara y la iguana"
Acrylic on canvas, 25 x 20 in

The first two paintings were exhibited in the Latin Views Biennial 2008; it was a great time, there were artists from all around the world, we had a very professional catalog, a press conference, and my paintings were published in a newspaper, the "Registro", from New Haven, Connecticut. Here are the pictures!
The last painting was sold at the winter show of "Colo Colo Gallery", in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

Las primeras dos pinturas fueron exhibidas en la Bienal "Latin Views", estuvo muy bonito, vinieron artistas de diferentes paises, tuvimos un catalogo muy profesional, hubo ronda de prensa y mis pinturas fueron publicadas en el periodico "Registro", de New Haven, Connecticut.
Aqui estan las fotos!
La ultima pintura fue vendida en la exposicion de invierno de la Galeria "Colo Colo", en New Bedford, Massachusetts.

The web site of the Latin Views is