Monday, April 12, 2010

My former work

I was a painter before my baby was born, but just after getting pregnant I could not tolerate the smell of the turpentine and oil painting. Also I thought about the safety of my baby, then I quit painting and started looking for new ways of creating art. That's how I discovered DOLL MAKING!!
However, I know one day I will be back to the easel, these are the last paintings I exhibited, in 2008. I hope you like it.

Era pintora antes de que mi bebe naciera, pero durante el embarazo se me hizo imposible soportar el olor del aguarras y del oleo. Tambien me imagine que serian riesgosos para el bebe y deje de pintar. Empece a buscar otra manera de crear y hacer arte. De esa manera descubri que se pueden hacer munecas de arte.
Sin embargo se que un dia volvere al caballete, estas son las ultimas pinturas que exhibi en 2008. Espero sean de su agrado.

"No Wake"
Oil on canvas, 36x36 in

"Ernesto takes a break"
Oil on panel, 28 x 22 in

"Maria Clara y la iguana"
Acrylic on canvas, 25 x 20 in

The first two paintings were exhibited in the Latin Views Biennial 2008; it was a great time, there were artists from all around the world, we had a very professional catalog, a press conference, and my paintings were published in a newspaper, the "Registro", from New Haven, Connecticut. Here are the pictures!
The last painting was sold at the winter show of "Colo Colo Gallery", in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

Las primeras dos pinturas fueron exhibidas en la Bienal "Latin Views", estuvo muy bonito, vinieron artistas de diferentes paises, tuvimos un catalogo muy profesional, hubo ronda de prensa y mis pinturas fueron publicadas en el periodico "Registro", de New Haven, Connecticut.
Aqui estan las fotos!
La ultima pintura fue vendida en la exposicion de invierno de la Galeria "Colo Colo", en New Bedford, Massachusetts.

The web site of the Latin Views is

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